Instead of saying, “I’m not going to get sick,” I started saying, “I feel well” or “I feel great.”
Transforming My Life Through Positive Thinking
In October 2007, my life reached a point I never imagined possible. My husband, son, and I moved in with my mother—a situation I had spent my entire adult life trying to avoid. I had joined the Air Force in 1989 to escape my parents and their toxic household, yet here I was, back in the very place I had fled from. I had lost everything: two businesses, our beautiful forever home, all of our investments, and my marriage was on the brink after over a decade of issues. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of failure and despair.

The Start of My Positive Thinking Journey
During these dark days, I kept hearing about “The Secret.” At first, I dismissed it, but curiosity got the better of me. I purchased the audio version and listened to it on repeat. The more I listened, the more I wondered if there could be something to this.
I had always been driven by hard work and logic, yet everything I tried recently seemed to backfire, pulling me down three times faster than if I had done nothing. The idea that I needed to change my mindset and embrace positive thinking was intriguing and terrifying. Could it be that simple?

The Power of Changing My Thoughts
Growing up in a deeply negative and abusive household, I had always struggled with self-worth and a sense of helplessness. The idea of brainwashing myself to think positively seemed absurd at first. But after years of counseling for severe depression, I was willing to try anything.
I asked my counselor what he thought about positive thinking and whether we could change our thoughts. His response surprised me: “What you think determines how you feel, which influences your actions, that creates results, and reinforces your beliefs.” It was a simple yet profound concept that shifted my perspective.

Embracing Positive Thinking in a Negative World
After that session, I found myself driving past my old home and business, the physical manifestations of everything I had lost. I realized that my thoughts had always been centered around what to do when things went wrong. I rarely considered what to do when things went right. This realization hit me hard—I had been conditioned to think about failure, not success. It became clear that if I wanted to reclaim my life, I needed to focus on what I wanted to achieve, not what I feared.
The journey wasn’t easy. Positive thinking didn’t come naturally to me, especially in a world that often thrives on negativity. News, politics, and even casual conversations seemed designed to drag me down. But I knew I had to break free from this cycle. I started by changing the way I spoke and thought. Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be late,” I would say, “I will be on time.” Instead of “I’m not going to get upset,” I would say, “I will stay calm.” These small shifts greatly impacted how I felt and approached challenges.

The Impact of Positive Thinking on My Life
Over time, positive thinking became more than just a coping mechanism; it became a way of life. It helped me rebuild my confidence, my relationships, and my sense of purpose. It was like losing weight—each small change added up, and before I knew it, I had transformed not just my thoughts but my entire reality.
Of course, not everyone supported my journey. Some people dismissed my new mindset as a fad or even a cult-like obsession. But I knew better. Positive thinking gave me the tools to rebuild my life on my terms. As Dr. Michael B. Beckwith says in “The Secret,” “There is a power inside of you that is greater than the world; it will feed you, clothe you, guide you, protect you, direct you, and sustain your very existence if you let it.” I chose to let it.
The one thing I was certain of was my desperate need to stop the endless negative recordings that played in my head constantly. These thoughts had plagued me for as long as I could remember, replaying the same destructive messages over and over. Some days, I felt so trapped by them that I thought the only escape would be to cut off my head, though I never actually wanted to die. I never thought to bring them up to my counselor because I believed they were an intrinsic part of me.
It wasn’t until I began exploring positive thinking that I realized these thoughts were separate from who I was. If there was even the slightest chance that this approach could stop those negative recordings, why wouldn’t I try? I decided to do it.

Taking the First Steps Toward Positive Thinking
I had no money to spend on self-help resources, but that didn’t stop me. The teachers in “The Secret” emphasized that if you truly want to do something, start—don’t let anything hold you back. They promised that whatever you need will show up for you. It sounded too good, but I am doing it.
I began by listening to “The Secret” repeatedly, focusing especially on the parts about money and abundance. Then, by what seemed like pure chance, I discovered a box in my mother’s house containing Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s book “The Power of Intention” and an audio set. They were still sealed, untouched. I listened to them eagerly.
Soon after, I found another of Dr. Dyer’s works, “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life,” along with a VHS set by Deepak Chopra. Again, these were all brand new and had never been used, so I also immersed myself in them. My mother had a habit of watching PBS specials featuring these authors and donating enough to receive these sets, though she never actually used them.
Eventually, I began visiting the library and browsing Half Price Books, exploring their Self-Help sections. I found numerous books and audiobooks that resonated with me. My favorite was “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra. There was so much I needed to change—the way I thought, the phrases I used, and even how I spoke. Almost everything in my life was steeped in negativity. I learned to eliminate words like “don’t,” “not,” and other negative expressions from my vocabulary.

Transforming My Language and Mindset
I remember speaking at a conference for Female Government Employees and mentioned my decision to “not get upset” when my son and ex-husband ganged up on me. Immediately, a woman in the audience stood up and said, “That is a negative comment.” She was right. In front of everyone, I rephrased my statement: “I will always stay calm.” That moment was a turning point, showing me how deeply ingrained my negative thinking was and how much I needed to change.
I began making similar shifts in my daily language:

The Gradual Shift to Positive Thinking
Shifting my focus, feelings, and reality toward the positive aspects of my life was a slow process, but it led to profound changes. I liken it to losing weight; with each small, positive change, you get closer to your goal, and each step forward brings a sense of pride, excitement, and accomplishment.

Tips for Embracing Positive Thinking
Finding teachers and materials that resonate with you and make you feel good is crucial. Positive emotions should guide you on this journey—if you’re feeling happy, excited, or energized, you’re on the right path. Consciously redirect your negative thoughts to something that will make you happy and feel good.
- Thinking of something funny
- Recalling a funny moment with your child or pet
- Talking to your best friend
Whenever you catch yourself thinking, “I am terrible at __________,” immediately reframe it to, “I am exceptional at __________.” This simple shift can have a profound impact on your self-perception and success.
Be prepared for some pushback, though. Not everyone will support your new mindset. I was surprised by the negative reactions from people, including family members, who dismissed what I was learning as “cult-like.”
One person even threatened to break one of my audio CDs. Despite this, I held onto the belief that a power inside me is greater than the world. As Dr. Michael B. Beckwith says in “The Secret”: “It will feed you, clothe you, guide you, protect you, direct you, and sustain your very existence if you let it.” And so, I chose to let it.
How You Can Benefit from Positive Thinking
If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or lost, I encourage you to explore the power of positive thinking. It’s not about ignoring the challenges in your life but about shifting your focus to what you want to create.
Start with small changes—alter how you speak to yourself and others, focus on the possibilities rather than the pitfalls, and watch as your life transforms. Positive thinking can reshape your reality, just as it did mine. Let it guide you to the life you’ve always wanted. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to connect with me.